Arduino Training Program

Arduino Training Program @ Vision World Tech Pvt. Ltd.

Arduino Training

What is Arduino?

Before going towards Arduino Training Program we must understand Arduino. Arduino can be understood as a community that is developed for giving solutions in the field of Electronic & Embedded Systems. The Arduino is a piece of hardware that can be programmed with the Softwares IDE.

The Arduino software is easy to use for electronic hobbyists and progressive learners. It runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux. The students and professors use this software to develop low-cost scientific instruments or to get started with Programming and Robotics.

Arduino Training Course

  • Basic Electronics Components
  • LED
  • Resistors
  • Capacitors
  • Transistors
  • Relay
  • Switch
  • Diode
  • Zener Diode
  • Buzzer
  • LDR
  • Potentiometer
  • Photo Diode
  • L293D
  • PIR
  • Decoder HT12D
  • Encoder HT12E
  • Crystal oscillator
  • What is Embedded
  • Why we used Embedded system
  • Application of Embedded system
  • What is Microcontroller
  • Why we use Microcontroller
  • What is Microprocessor
  • What is difference between Microcontroller and Microprocessor
  • What is Arduino
  • History of Arduino
  • Pin description of Arduino
  • How Arduino is advance as compare 8051
  • Comparison between Arduino and other microcontroller
  • Arduino Programming Software
  • Glow the LED
  • Different pattern of LED
  • Pull up and pull down condition of switch
  • LED with switch
  • LED with two switch
  • Hello print on LCD
  • Different name pattern on LCD
  • Interfacing H bridge(l293D IC)
  • Interfacing DC Motor
  • Interfacing DC Motor with one switch
  • Interfacing Two motor with four switch
  • Interfacing LCD with Motor
  • Interfacing Servo Motor
  • Interfacing PIR Sensor
  • DC motor drive with PIR Sensor
  • Make a project with help of PIR Sensor
  • Interfacing Ultrasonic Sensor
  • DC motor drive with help of Ultrasonic Sensor
  • Make a ROBO car with help of Ultrasonic Sensor
  • Interfacing LM35(Temperature Sensor)
  • Make a project with help of LM35
  • Interfacing RFID
  • Make a project with help of RFID
  • Interfacing RF Module
  • How to operate wireless any Device


  • Temperature measurement over GSM module
  • PC controlled wired and wireless robot
  • DTMF based Mobile phone controlled Robot
  • Finger printing based Attendance System and Security System
  • Simple toll plaza system using low frequency RFID
  • Intelligent High Power LED Street light Control System
  • LCD based voting machine using ARDUINO microcontroller
  • Automatic Temperature Measurement and Control
  • GSM based Highway vehicle traffic monitoring system
  • RF based Industrial Wireless Device Control System
  • Microcontroller based Heartbeat Monitor with Display on Computer
  • uC based Wireless (Radio/IR) Heartbeat Monitor
  • Motor speed Monitoring over GSM Mobile



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